2.- 4.08 2024
külastab Viljandit Hu Yao Zhen-stiilis Neidan Qigong sümpoosioni raames Kyoto Bunkyo Ülikooli professor Kiyoshi Hamano.

Muuhulgas õpetab Kiyoshi Hamano Qigongi ja on Kyoto Kliinilise Psühholoogia Assotsiatsiooni president. Alates 1988. aastast võtab Hamano kliente vastu oma psühhoteraapiapraksises. Qigongi õpetamisega alustas ta 1995. aastal.

Hamano Sensei kirjutas oma doktoritöö teemal “The Study on “ki(qi)” through Clinical Psychological Point of View”. Lisaks on tema sulest ilmunud:

“Awakening Natural Mind-Body Spectrum” (2008)
“Basic Training for the Practice of Clinical Psychologist” (2009)
“Japanese Psychotherapy: Body-Oriented Psychotherapy” (2017)
Foto: erakogu


Professor Kiyoshi Hamano from Kyoto Bunkyo University will visit Estonia from August 2 - 4 during the The Hu Yao Zhen Neidan Qigong Symposium.

Kiyoshi Hamano is the President of the Kyoto Clinical Psychology Association in addition to
teaching Qigong. Mr Hamano has a psychotherapy practise since 1988. In 1995, Mr. Hamano started to teach qigong.

Hamano Sensei wrote his doctoral thesis on “The Study on “ki(qi)” through Clinical Psychological Point of View”. In addition, he has published:

“Awakening Natural Mind-Body Spectrum” (2008)
“Basic Training for the Practice of Clinical Psychologist” (2009)
“Japanese Psychotherapy: Body-Oriented Psychotherapy” (2017)

PÄEVAKAVA/SCHEDULE (Lossi 30, Viljandi)
2.08: 18.00 – 20.00
3.08: 10.00 – 12.30 & 14.30  – 17.00
4.08: 10.00 – 12.00 & 13.00  – 15.00


evestuudio@gmail.com; 5179773 Eve


In October 1959, Master Hu participated in National Meeting to Exchange Experience in Qi Gong in Beidaihe. In the meeting, he introduced his own experience on Qi Gong exercise for dozens of years, the laws of Dynamic Qi Gong and Static Qi Gong he had found out, especially the laws of Self-Emitting Qi Gong, and how he first applied Qi Gong in the clinical treatment with significant therapeutic effect and therefore accumulated a lot of successful experiences. Master Hu's excellent report on Qi Gong and the book "Qi Gong" made great influence on Qi Gong circle and enjoyed unanimous appraisals among the figures in Qi Gong world in our country. In the past, there was no unified term for Qi Gong and each school had its own one. At early 50's, Master Hu Yao-Zhen with Liu Gui-Zhen and other ancestors decided to standardize the term as "Qi Gong" to benefit the popularization of it. Soon after, Qi Gong was known to all. Master Hu Yao-Zhen was therefore honored as "Father of Modern Qi Gong" and " Miracle-working Doctor".