Welcome to YOUNG notafe 2024!

YOUNG notafe is an international creative camp for children, who are interested in performing arts: dance, drama, music, arts - you name it.

In 2024, YOUNG notafe takes place for the 9th time. There have been participants and guests from various countries and cities: India, Finland, Thailand, Zambia, Ukraine and Estonia. We have enjoyed traditional dances and cooking, games and performances. We have also enjoyed many workshops by masterful teachers around the world.

In 2024, eve studio welcomes old and new friends from Tallinn - Theatre Studio Flying Cow and Ballett Studio Holtz from Ahrensburg.

In this year´s teacher´s line-up, we meet Maryn-Liis Rüütelmaa, Maarja Viiding, Hans Noormets, Janika Koppel, Kauko Uusoksa and Triin Laas. 

On the 5th of July, the participants will present what they have learned during the week with a performance. The performance is open to everyone and begins @ 4PM. Venue to be disclosed.

The theme of the camp is BALANCE. We explore the balance between body and mind, big and small, within ourselves and in communication with the world outside.

!!!Notes for the participants!!!
* please fill the registration form HERE!
* YOUNG notafe´s aim is to find the best ways to be kind to your mind as well as your body. Therefore no alcohol, tobacco (in any form), energy drinks or any other kind of stimulants are allowed.
* please bring your own waterbottle and have a name written on it!
* please bring your sleeping bag!
* if any questions arise, please ask any grown-up - all of them are there for you.